18 Travel Tips That Will Save You Tons of Money

crop man getting dollars from wallet

Traveling is becoming more and more expensive these days. Don’t believe us? Just take a look
at the rising gas prices. And if you also have children or grandchildren travelling with you, it’s to the point where
you may feel you simply cannot afford to take a trip altogether.

Fortunately, there are still plenty of ways that you can save your family a ton of money while
you’re traveling. Some of them may even surprise you. These are 18 travel tips that we can
guarantee will save you money.

1- Be Flexible about When You Travel

You may not realize this, but being flexible about your traveling dates could save you a lot of
money. If you can be open to traveling on different days or even weeks, you may find that the
cost of your trip decreases significantly. This is especially true if you’re willing to fly on weekdays
instead of weekends. Prices for hotels and flights are often cheaper during the week than they
are on weekends, so if you can be flexible with your travel dates, you could save yourself some

2- Do Your Research

When it comes to saving money while traveling, research is key. You should research everything
from the best time to buy airline tickets to the most affordable hotels in your destination. By
doing your research in advance, you’ll know exactly what to expect and how to save money on
your trip. This also allows you to register for rewards programs which can save you money later down the line!

3- Travel During the Off-Season

If you’re looking to save money on your next vacation, consider traveling during the off-season.
This is typically the time between fall and spring when prices for hotels and flights are generally
lower. Keep in mind that the weather may not be ideal during this time, but if you don’t mind a
little rain or cold weather, traveling during the off-season can be a great way to save money.

4- Fly with Budget Airlines

If you’re looking to save money on airfare, consider flying with a budget airline. These airlines
typically offer low prices on flights but keep in mind that they may have fewer amenities than
traditional airlines. Before booking your flight, be sure to research the airline to make sure it’s a
good fit for you.

5- Travel Light

One of the best ways to save money while traveling is to travel light. If you can avoid checking a
bag, you’ll save yourself a significant amount of money on airfare. Additionally, traveling with
only a carry-on bag will make it easier to get around your destination and will allow you to avoid
expensive baggage fees. If you are travelling by land, packing light gives you better gas mileage that a vehicle weighed down weighed down with heavy baggage.

6- Bring Food with You to the Airport

Once you get past airport security, there’s nothing but overpriced food and drinks waiting for you
on the other side. But what you can do is bring your own food and snacks from home so that
your family has something to munch on when they get hungry. This is especially the case for
those of you with bigger families. Just keep in mind that there are limitations to how much liquid
you can bring with you through security so be sure to find out ahead of time.

7- Don’t Exchange Money at the Airport

When traveling to a different country that will require you to change currency, don’t make the
mistake of exchanging your money at the airport. They typically have a higher exchange rate
and will charge you a commission fee on top of that. Instead, find a local bank or ATM in the
country you’re visiting to get the best exchange rate possible.

8- Pay With Local Currency

When paying for things in a foreign country, it’s always best to use the local currency. This is
because businesses will often give you a worse exchange rate if you pay with your home
currency. So, if you’re looking to save some money while traveling, be sure to use the local
currency when making purchases.

9- Know When to Splurge

Of course, one of the best ways to save money while traveling is to simply be mindful of your
spending. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your trip. There will be times when it’s worth it
to splurge on a nice meal or excursion. For us, that often means Buc-ee’s. Just be sure to budget for these expenses in advance so
that you don’t end up spending more than you can afford.

10- Go Camping

If you don’t mind the bugs or sleeping beneath the stars, camping can be a great way to travel
on a budget. It’s also a great way to see some of the most beautiful places in the world without
having to spend a fortune on hotels. We like to find camping areas in remote parts of the state for more privacy.

11- Pack Meals for On-the-Go

Eating in a touristy area isn’t cheap no matter where you’re visiting. To avoid heading out to a
restaurant for every meal, plan on preparing and taking some meals with you to keep everyone
happy. We usually pack to have at least two meals a day that we have packed.

12- Eat with the Locals

If you can find out where the locals go to eat, you’ll notice that the prices are much more
reasonable. This is because they’re catering to a different clientele than the tourists. So, if you’re
looking for a cheap and delicious meal, be sure to ask around and ask a few locals for some
recommendations on where to eat. This is how we’ve found some of our favorite restaurants!

13- Cook Your Own Meals

If your accommodations have a kitchen, take advantage of it and cook your own meals. This will
save you a ton of money since you won’t have to eat out for every meal. Just be sure to buy
groceries in bulk so that you don’t have to make too many trips to the store. Most hotels have a microwave at minimum, so packing heat and serve meals is one of our go-to choices!

14- Take Advantage of Free Activities

There are usually a lot of free activities available in most tourist destinations. From free walking
tours to museum days, there’s usually something for everyone. Do a little research before you
leave and see what’s available so that you can plan accordingly. We love to check out Atlas Obscura to find lesser known attractions.

15- Save or Skip Souvenirs

Souvenirs can be one of the biggest expenses when traveling. If you’re looking to save some
money, consider buying souvenirs that are unique to the area but won’t cost a fortune. For
example, you can buy a keychain from a local market instead of purchasing an overpriced one
from a souvenir shop. Often we skip souvenirs completely and opt for photos of the experience. Many of the items collected during your travels will later find their way to the garbage. Save your money and spend it on the splurges we talked about in tip number 9.

16- Dine Out at Lunchtime

While visiting a tourist destination, lunchtime is typically when you’ll find the best deals on
food. Restaurants are trying to attract locals during this time so they’ll offer cheaper lunch
options. If you’re looking to save some money, consider eating out only at lunchtime and staying
in for other meals. BONUS TIP- Check the business’ social media and website. Often you’ll find coupons for discounts and free items. Some restaurants even offer free kids meals with purchase of adult meal. These tricks help stretch your food budget a little further.

17- Bring a Refillable Water Bottle Instead of Buying Bottled Water

One of the easiest ways to save money while traveling is to simply bring a reusable water bottle
with you. This way, you can avoid buying bottled water which can add up quickly. There should
be plenty of water refill stations where you can get replenished. However, don’t take this bit of
advice if you’re visiting a destination that is known to have poor water quality. We often use our thermos to fill up with coffee from the hotel for free before we check out. This allows Bobert to have hot coffee on demand all day, without café pricing.

18- Use the Local Transportation

Taxis, ride shares, and car rentals can prove very costly. One of the best ways to get around this is by using
the local transportation that the city you’re visiting has available. This includes buses, trains, and
even bicycles. Not only is it a great way to save money, but it’s also a great way to see the city
from a different perspective. Some popular destinations like Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge even offer an inexpensive tram that is both fun and frugal. You could also consider walking if you’re not having to travel far. This avoids
paying for parking along with the stress of trying to find your parking garage in a foreign place.

Stay tuned for more tips

There you have it! This is the first of many tips we will be posting for our fellow travelers. By following several of these travel tips that we’ve provided, you’re sure to save you and your family a bunch of money. What are some other ways that you’ve
discovered how to save money while traveling?

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